What is the target of Trees Of Life?
A green and social planet!
Is the account free of charge?
Yes! Your personal account is absolutely complimentary and non-binding.
Where are the trees planted?
For the first plantings, we focus on Madagascar, where we are already other areas have opened in Bali, Haiti and India.
For our environment, it is by the way no matter where a tree is planted.
A tree that is planted in an area of the "Third World" has not only an effect to our climate, it provides food, medicine, protection and haunt for animals, gives shade and recultivates the soil, provides work and much more!
Who plants the real trees?
Our partners are local non profit organisations and tree nurseries.
Is the plantation area protect and who is the owner?
Yes, the areas are protected and the use of plantation areas is based on contracts with the local authorities and governments.
Will I receive an invoice?
Yes, you will receive an invoice.
Do I own the real trees?
No. The real tree is property of the area/region.
How do I get informed, when there is a celebrity tree?
Our newsletter informs you about all campaigns and celebrity trees. Each celebrity tree will be available two or three times. So in case you missed the first, there will still be a chance to get it with the second campaign.
What happens with my private data?
These are used only for Trees of Life and our actions, and not given to third parties. We would like our Planties to have fun with planting trees and would like them to feel safe and comfortable.
I would like to support TOL even more! What can I do?
Just tell as many people as possible about TOL. The more we are, the better we will achieve our goal. Any idea is welcome, just contact us (ideen (at) trees-of-life.org).
Because only together we can achieve a lot.
How does Trees Of Life work?
For each virtual tree a real tree is planted. And to make this even more fun there are different virtual trees available – for different issues, celebrities, sponsors and your own, self-designed tree, which you can also give away as a greeting card – a lot is possible. And it is simple: specify the number of trees, pay and Go! With Trees Of life everybody can plant his or her individual trees.
What does Plantie mean?
A Plantie or Planties are all Trees Of Life tree planters.
Why is it not possible to choose a plantation area?
We work for and with the people locally. Therefore it is important that we can plan and conduct the projects in a way that they assure work for a long period of time. Should Trees Of Life grow as quickly as we would like it to, we plan to offer a variety of plantation areas for you to choose of.
When are the trees planted?
The schedules are set up in accordance with the tree nurseries and the best planting season. There is a time for sowing, propagation and planting out. It is not true that as soon as one buys a virtual tree, someone will instantaneously run out to the fields to plant a really tree. The propagation is possible throughout the year, while the planting out is done between March and September.
How do you support the local people?
They are integrated in the projects. For us is not only about trees our work is sustainable, that means that we work together with the people on site. Only when the local population is integrated, a sustainable project can succeed. The needs of the people have to be fulfilled, that is why we also plant fruit trees to contribute to the food of the local families and to be sold on local markets. There is also special lumber for the fireplaces.
They are integrated in the projects. For us is not only about trees our work is sustainable, that means that we work together with the people on site. Only when the local population is integrated, a sustainable project can succeed. The needs of the people have to be fulfilled, that is why we also plant fruit trees to contribute to the food of the local families and to be sold on local markets. There is also special lumber for the fireplaces.
Did the celebrities really design their trees?
Yes and no. Not everyone can sketch his or her idea on a piece of paper or into a computer. In these cases we support them and make proposals or work together to create a tree. Others send us “their” tree. But one thing all trees have in common: each celebrity fully supports it!
May I recommend celebrities for a campaign?
Of course! Better yet, write to your favorite celebrity and tell him about TOL or write a post on his board on Facebook. If many fans advert to the campaign, your celeb will certainly contact us and there will be a celebrity tree soon.
Do I have to set up an account?
No. It is important to us that each one of you may decide freely, how you would like to participate in the project. It is possible to buy a tree without registering. After the purchase the user will receive a confirmation by email with a link (tree code). With this link you may log in again later again – or not. It is also possible to plant for example 10 trees and to send the link to your children or friends, who might like to observe the trees.
Is it possible to contribute own ideas?
Yes, you are welcome! Therefore there is the Button “Improvement Proposals”. Here you can drop your ideas, how you feel TOL can still improve or what could be additional features etc. For an incorporated idea or proposal the proposer will receive 10 trees for his/her account free of charge and will be included in the Hall of Fame.
Is there any merchandise, such as caps, t-shirts, mugs?
We are planning to offer this too. As soon as there are the first articles, we will inform you.